Am achiziționat prima subscripție de Discord și vreau să mă conectez
Pași pentru Conectare:
- Asigură-te că ai un cont activ pe Discord: Dacă nu ai deja un cont, poți crea unul accesând și urmând instrucțiunile pentru înregistrare.
- Autentifică-te pe site-ul nostru: Introdu datele tale de autentificare pe site-ul nostru pentru a accesa contul tău.
- Navighează la pagina “Contul meu”: După ce te-ai autentificat, caută și accesează secțiunea “Contul meu” din meniul principal.
- Accesează secțiunea “Discord”: În cadrul paginii “Contul meu”, vei găsi o secțiune denumită “Discord”.
- Dă click pe butonul “Connect with Discord”: În secțiunea “Discord”, apasă pe butonul “Connect with Discord” pentru a începe procesul de conectare.
- Conectează-te cu contul tău de Discord: Va apărea o fereastră nouă unde trebuie să te autentifici cu datele tale de Discord (dacă nu ești deja autentificat).
- Acceptă conexiunea între contul tău de Discord și serverul nostru de Discord: După autentificare, ți se va cere să autorizezi conexiunea între contul tău de Discord și serverul nostru. Apasă pe butonul “Authorize” sau “Authorizează” pentru a finaliza procesul.
După ce ai urmat acești pași, contul tău de Discord va fi conectat la contul de pe site-ul nostru, iar tu vei putea primi semnalele direct prin Discord.
Ghid video conectare la Discord:
Am achiziționat o subscripție suplimentară de Discord
- Conectarea la serverul de Discord a lui Dan se realizeaza o singura data.
- Cand cumperi o subscriptie suplimentara, drepturile pe serverul de Discord se propaga automat.
Pentru asistenta contactati
The Blog element is undoubtedly one of the most important elements which most of the users will probably use. Based on that fact, Blade really offers multiple options for this element. Let’s see them briefly, starting with the basic styles.
- Large Media
- Small Media
- Masonry
- Grid
- Carousel
The Portfolio element is surely one of the most famous elements. Based on that fact, Blade really offers multiple options for this element as well. Let’s see them briefly, starting with the basic styles.
- Grid Style
- Masonry Style
- Small Media
- Carousel
With this element, you can simply use any Contact Form 7 you’ve created. When using the Contact Form, the default layout is to have one field per row. However, you can have multiple fields in the same row by adding some HTML markup. For example:
The Sliding Area feature is an extra hidden sidebar area at the right of the site. It can be used in order to have the widgets of the Sidebar area you select via Appearance > Widgets. The main concept behind this is the quick access to useful information. Moreover, you are able to enable it globally per custom post type and override it per single custom post type. For example, you can enable the Sliding area with your preferable Sidebar globally for your pages in Theme Options > Page Options and then, in a specific page, you may disable it or select a different Sidebar area just for this page. This is Blade’s philosophy.
Blade comes with the Visual Composer (value $34), a visual layout builder that allows you to forget about the syntax of the shortcodes and create multiple layouts within minutes without writing a single line of code! You can edit, delete, increase and decrease the size of each item.
Furthermore, you can reorder the elements, copy-paste and save templates. It has very simple and instinctive interface! Don’t forget to read the Rows/Columns article in this documentation, where you will discover the amazing responsive possibilities.
Blade uses indeed the latest versions of VC preserving 90% of functionality and features (only a small percentage is handled byBlade for technical purposes). However, Blade ’s elements are especially handmade for the theme’s preferences and they harmoniously use the amazing visual interface of the VC. That means you will not find just one Visual Composer copy in Blade!
Blade is built with SEO best-practices in mind. We use heading tags (H1,H2,H3…) for titles and for the main content which is good practice for search engine site. Moreover, you can select the heading tags in most of the elements (and for the widget titles) for better results.
It goes without saying that Blade uses valid HTML5 code and CSS3. Search engines would love the clean code of Blade.
Additionally, Blade uses internal site linking, which is vital for search engines (two predefined navigation menus, related portfolios etc).
Blade is also fully compatible with the two most popular WP Seo plugins, All in One SEO and WordPress SEO by Yoast, in case you need something more specific for your site optimization. Be sure that we have done our best for your site google ranking.